Computer Science Time Box

Unit1: Build a Lab Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Pair (pair name).

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
0 - Daily Plan Week 0
- Create and Setup GitHub Repository
- Download and Setup Tools
- Week 0 Tangibles
1 - Daily Plan Week 1
- CollegeBoard Pseudo Code
- Week 1 Tangibles
2 - Daily Plan Week 2
- Games and Calculator
- Python Quiz Procedure
- Repository Update and Edits
- Week 2 Tangibles
- Python Quiz
3 - Daily Plan Week 3
- Python_Hacks
- JS Table
- Week 3 Tangibles, Plan for Pair Showcase, and Review Ticket

Unit2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
4 - Daily Plan Week 4
- JS Output with Objects
- Python Lists
- JS Input
5 - Daily Plan Week 5
- Team Test
- 1.1-1.4 Program Function and Purpose
6 - Daily Plan Week 6
- Web Programming
- Web Programming
- Web Programming Copy
- Review Ticket
7 - Daily Plan Week 7
- Homework problems Data Abstractions
- Data Abstraction
- Passion Project Plan

Unit3: Projects, Group Work, and Student Lessons

Passion Project, Student Lessons

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
8 - Daily Plan Week 8
- Boolean, If Lesson
- Iteration Lesson*
- Project Features
9 - Daily Plan Week 9
- Lists and Search Student Lesson*
- Developing Algorithms Student Lesson
10 - Daily Plan Week 10
- Procedures Student Lesson
- Student Lesson Python Libraries*
11 - Daily Plan Week 11
- Reference for PP Request Syntax
- Outline for N@TM Presentation
- Individual Project Final
12 - Daily Plan Week 12

Unit4: CPT

Create Performance Task

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
13 - Daily Plan Week 13
14 - Daily Plan Week 14
- 4.1 - The Internet
- 4.2 - Routing and Computing
15 - Daily Plan Week 15
- 5.1 Big Idea Beneficial and Harmful Effects Student Lesson
- 5.2 Digital Divide Student Lesson
16 - Daily Plan Week 16
- 5.3 Big Idea Computing Bias Student Lesson
- 5.4 Crowd-sourcing
17 - Daily Plan Week 17
- Student Teach - Legal and Ethical Concerns of Technology
- Big Idea 5.6 Safe Computing
- 2020 Practice Exam 1 Blog Post
18 - Daily Plan Week 18
- 2023 Written Response Practice Exam 1 Planning
- CPT Project Log
- Student Teaching Part 2 and Individual Review
19 - Daily Plan Week 19
- Student Teach - SASS
- JWT Team Teach on Databases
- Login Page
20 - Daily Plan Week 20
- Class 3- JWT Implimentation
- SASS Javascript Login Page
- Team Teach - Full Stack and User Profile
21 - Daily Plan Week 21
22 - Daily Plan Week 22
- N@TM Reflection
23 - Daily Plan Week 23
- Individual Final

Unit5: Machine Learning

Trimester 3 working with machine learning

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
24 - Daily Plan Week 24
- Individual Seed
25 - Daily Plan Week 25
- MCQ 2020 Frequently Missed Questions
- Team Seed
- 2021 MCQ Reflection
26 - Daily Plan Week 26
27 - Daily Plan Week 27
28 - Daily Plan Week 28
- 2023 Written Response Practice Exam 1
29 - Daily Plan Week 29
- Data Structures Write Up
30 - Daily Plan Week 30
31 - Daily Plan Week 31
32 - Daily Plan Week 32
34 - Daily Plan Week 34
35 - Daily Plan Week 35
- Final Project Plan
- Final Interview Prep
36 - Daily Plan Week 36