
On Wednesday (8/30), Mr. Mortenson gave us a tech talk on how to implement the Game of Life and Snake into our blog

  • It was very simple, we simply made a new file in our blog, titled it appropriately, made the front matter, and copied the source code after quickly going over it to understand it
  • We experimented with the code behind the two games and found possible improvements, but the calculator is where we wanted to direct most of our effort.


This was both of our’s first time at attempting JavaScript, which made understanding and altering the code much more difficult, and we used ChatGPT to try and help us to understand what was happening. Upon adding the calculator into our blog, we noticed that there were many issues and tried our best to fix them.

  • The formatting of the keys were completely wrong, which we fixed by experimenting with the code and copying the missing assets from the teacher repository
  • The spacing of the links above were off, which we fixed by adding %nbsp; or simply deleting the links because they were not necessary
  • There were not many functions, and we attempted to add more such as the square root but was extremely difficult to do with no prior knowledge. We did not get very far and couldn’t present much in the end, but we did our best and learned, which is what we were trying to do.