Update Repository

There were two options to update the respository:

  • One: Create a new student repository from Mr. Mortenson’s update student repository and copy all edits on old version to the new one
  • Two: Check the files in the new student repository to find and understand the differences, then make the changes in your current repository

We selected to do the second option, but we did it in a slightly different way. We first scanned every file and checked all the differences, then to make updating faster, we simply downloaded the new repository and copied over the files that had updates. After copying the updated files over, we tested the blog to make sure it worked and continued customizing it.

Challenges: In the middle of testing, some links actually broke and we fixed this by going into the related files, checking the links and paths, and then updating it to the new one.


We were instructed to create a Lab Journal (now Time Box) for our class, and initially we wanted to try and create our own table and pages to model the new table. This took a very, very long time to do, but sadly was not the purpose of creating the Lab Journal.

After being redirected on what to do after the Blog Check, that table has been abandoned and now we are using the one you saw right before coming to this link!

All the various links, tables, pages, text, and more that you see here are part of this huge blog edit.