Markdown Table

Using Markdown to make a table offers a variety of benefits, including simple syntax, accessability, and maintainability. The code to create the table is very simple, requiring only pipes and dashes, without many rules. The text is clear, consistent, and easy to see.
Below you can see a table about the various 5 star characters in Honkai: Star Rail.

Character Name Path Type
Bailu Abundance Lightning
Blade Destruction Wind
Bronya Harmony Wind
Clara Destruction Physical
Dan Heng (Imbibitor Lunae)   Destruction Imaginary
Fu Xuan Preservation Quantum
Gepard Preservation  Ice
Himeko Erudition Fire
Jing Yuan Erudition Lightning
Kafka Erudtion Lightning
Luocha Abundance Imaginary
Seele Hunt Quantum
Silver Wolf Nihility Imaginary
Trailblazer Adaptive Adaptive
Welt Nihility Imaginary
Yanqing Hunt Ice

HTML Table

HTML and JavaScript are often used together, as you will see below, but there are a few key differences. HTML isn’t a programming language but rather a markup language, while JavaScript is a programming language. HTML essentially makes the table and is static by itself, but JavaScript can be used in HTML to make the table interactive, dynamic, and more visually appealing. Below you can see an example of a pure HTML table about UR ships seen in the gacha game Azur Lane (plus a bit of history).

Name Ship Type Faction Nation IRL Launch Date IRL
Specialized Bulin Custom MKIII N/A N/A N/A N/A
New Jersey Battleship Eagle Union United States 1942
Vanguard Battleship Royal Navy Britain 1944
Musashi Battleship Sakura Empire Japan 1940
Shinano Aircraft Carrier Sakura Empire Japan 1944
Shimakaze Destroyer Sakura Empire Japan 1942
Ulrich von Hutten Battleship Iron Blood Germany N/A (Proposal H-class battleship, none completed)
Kronshtadt Large Cruiser Northern Parliament Soviet Union N/A (Project 69 heavy cruisers, none completed)
Yorktown II (the "II" is only for the game) Aircraft Carrier Eagle Union United States 1937
Implacable Aircraft Carrier Royal Navy Britain 1942
Bismarck Zwei (the "Zwei" is only for the game) Battleship Iron Blood Germany 1939
San Diego Retrofit ("Retrofit" is only for the game) Light Cruiser Eagle Union United States 1941
Warspite Retrofit ("Retrofit" is only for the game) Battleship Royal Navy Britain 1913
Yuudachi Retrofit ("Retrofit" is only for the game) Destroyer Sakura Empire Japan 1936

HTML Table with JS Jquery

There are many advantages to using JavaScript in a table like the one just below! Tables without JavaScript are considered static and have no interaction, which can be boring and repetitive. Tables with JavaScript are considered dynamic and do have interaction, which makes the table more interesting and can provide useful functions such as sorting the table, displaying a certain amount of entries, search functions, and so much more! With JavaScript, the table becomes a tool rather than a simple display. Below you can see a table with JavaScript about some chemical elements up to krypton!

Symbol Name Atomic Number Mass (in u) Year Discovered
H Hydrogen 1 1.008 1766 AD
He Helium 2 4.0026 1895 AD
Li Lithium 3 6.94 1817 AD
Be Beryllium 4 9.0122 1797 AD
B Boron 5 10.81 1808 AD
C Carbon 6 12.011 3750 BC
N Nitrogen 7 14.007 1772 AD
O Oxygen 8 15.999 1774 AD
F Fluorine 9 18.998 1886 AD
Ne Neon 10 20.180 1898 AD
Na Sodium 11 22.990 1807 AD
Mg Magnesium 12 24.305 1755 AD
Al Aluminum 13 26.982 1825 AD
Si Silicon 14 28.085 1824 AD
P Phosphorus 15 30.974 1669 AD
S Sulfur 16 32.06 500 BC
Cl Chlorine 17 35.45 1774 AD
Ar Argon 18 39.948 1894 AD
K Potassium 19 39.098 1807 AD
Ca Calcium 20 40.078 1808 AD
Sc Scandium 21 44.956 1879 AD
Ti Titanium 22 47.867 1791 AD
V Vanadium 23 50.942 1801 AD
Cr Chromium 24 51.996 1797 AD
Mn Manganese 25 54.938 1774 AD
Fe Iron 26 55.845 2000 BC
Co Cobalt 27 58.933 1735 AD
Ni Nickel 28 58.693 1751 AD
Cu Copper 29 63.546 8000 BC
Zn Zinc 30 65.38 1500 AD
Ga Gallium 31 69.723 1875 AD
Ge Germanium 32 72.630 1886 AD
As Arsenic 33 74.922 1250 AD
Se Selenium 34 78.971 1817 AD
Br Bromine 35 79.904 1826 AD
Kr Krypton 36 83.798 1898 AD