
General Notes for Project

  • Final decision on project: Turn-based Fantasy Tarkov-esque game
  • Various stats of characters or like equipment that increases stats
  • Map with set location, can pick where to go + images for places and/or bosses/enemies/player
  • Get a warning when people are near (maybe add sound)
  • Can choose to like move out, attack, defend, etc.
  • If attack someone, has % chance to defeat them
  • No actual weapons, use either medieval weapons or like magic and classes
  • If defeated, leave and back to start
  • Can have like multiplayer or boss


See CB FRQ Notes


See Monday on Daily Plan (Teacher talked about some pointers for CPT and JWT)


Teacher talk

  • Check for garbage and test to block it
  • Can test and monkey smash to see if it still works


Work on and completed Milanote frontend screen planning

Ideation Checkpoint #1 Part A done on 1/12


Created fork of each repository, WRONGJason from WRONG (frontend) and WRONGFlaskJason from WRONGFlask (backend)

  • Taught team how it works
  • Slack message explaining it: https://cs-p-hq.slack.com/archives/C06DUHZKVAL/p1705447571524659