Interview Requirements

What I’m Applying For

  • Frontend coder / engineer is the position I’m applying for.

Preview of LinkdIn profile

  • See resume!

Introduction of Key Interests and how Coding intersects with those interests

  • Gaming
    • One of my main interests is gaming, so when asked to make a project, my first thought is to make a game. My team members were all similar minded to me, which is why in all three trimesters, one of the main projects we worked on was a game (Terminal Souls, TBFT, matrix game). Being able to design games gave me a new view on how games function and made me appreciate all the work that goes on behind the scenes from planning to creating functionality to styling.
  • Doing or making things from scratch
    • I have always loved making things myself with my own hands, whether it be school projects like the AP Physics boats and APUSH game board or at home like making plastic models of warships and (at one point) crocheting or outside of school like being in a lab. Being able to be in full control over something I enjoy doing and something I’m interested about is very relaxing, fun, and productive at the same time. So when I learned coding and did enjoy the process of making something work, it was easy to just get lost in the process of making something I was interested in.
  • History
    • Another one of my interests is history, and while it may not be as apparent in the final products, it definitely was behind the scenes. This was especially noticeable in trimester 2 where our game was set in a fantasy medieval type of setting and one of the ideas for what to do for our project was based on history (like a choose-your-own-adventure).

Overview of Projects and how you worked with a Team

  • Key projects
    • Home repository: “students”
      • Individually keeping track of everything and organizing all my work
    • Tri 1 Passion Project: “ramjiJarmi” (frontend) and “JARMIRAMJI” (backend)
      • Teamwork
        • Divided up the roles (me and Arthur as backend, Matthew, Isabella, and Rayane as frontend)
        • We were pretty ambitious with this project so constantly kept up and reminded each other of work that was due through Slack and Discord
        • Had meetings to check in with each other and put the project together
    • Tri 2 CPT: “WRONGJason” (frontend) and “WRONGFlaskJason” (backend)
      • Teamwork
        • Divided up the roles (Rayyan and Grayson as backend, me, Will, and Nathan as frontend)
        • Created an iMessages and Slack group chat to keep up with work
          • Many messages of my helping them / creating big messages with tutorials of how to fork or setting standards for styles and whatnot
        • Had meetings to put the project together
    • Tri 3 ML Projects: Same as Tri 2 CPT and also “JAIKnation_frontend” (frontend) and “JAIKnation_backend” (backend)
      • Teamwork
        • Split up the work (me and Ishraq as frontend, Arthur and Karam as backend)
        • Created a Slack and Discord group chat to keep up and check in with each other
        • Me and Arthur did most of the work, so we had many messages over Discord in DMs to help each other out
    • Tri 3 Combined Group Project and Final Project: “JAIKTANK_frontend” (frontend) and “JAIKTANK_backend” (backend)
      • Combined Group Project:
        • Teamwork
          • Mostly put our stuff together in class, so we met up and worked on it together or worked separately and occasionally moved over to update each other
          • Me and Arthur did most of the work, so we had many messages over Discord in DMs to help each other out
      • Final Group Project:
        • Teamwork
          • This was just me and Arthur, so we worked together in class, designed roles (I do sort and HTML, he does randomize and search) and planned out (see “Final Project Plan”) what we were going to do, and had many messages over Discord to help each other out

Teamwork methodologies and artifacts showing your particpation

Introduction of Full Stack Coding Skill set

  • I’ve had experience with both frontend and backend throughout the year. In Trimester 1 when I was still learning how to simply code, I started with backend and learned Python. I basically only did backend and coded with Python during that Trimester.
  • Afterwards in Trimester 2, I felt more confident in coding so (also with the advice from Mr. Mortenson) I did frontend and learned JavaScript, doing the majority of the frontend work, making HTML, basically all the JavaScript functionality, and styles. I also helped out with backend and the data tables, which helped me brush up on my Python skills.
  • In Trimester 3, it was similar in Trimester 2 in that I focused more on frontend and JavaScript as it felt more familiar and natural to me and did most of the frontend for the projects, but also ended up helping a decent amount with backend and thus also using Python.
  • Overall, I have experience in both frontend and backend and thus JavaScript and Python, and understand how the two interact with each other.

Introduction to ML experience

  • Trimester 3 definitely exposed me to ML, beginning with tinkering with the Titanic database to predict the chance of somebody with given inputs / pieces of information using a logistical regression model. This was a fun and interactive way to learn how machine learning works, and my small group used the Titanic ML as a starting point for our first project. In the big group project, we then combined our Titanic ML with a Covid ML (predicting risk probability) of the other group to make a larger project, which helped teach us the details for how the inputs and outputs are fed into the ML and given out by the ML respectively as the outputs of Covid ML had to be fed into the input for the Titanic ML in our project. Lastly, I also combined the Titanic ML into my Trimester 2 CPT project which opened my eyes to the various applications and usages ML has, as it was a more weird but fun way to integrate ML into a project that didn’t have it initially.

GitHub Project and Profile review

Describe how you have showcased projects (ie N@tM May 2024)

  • When presenting projects for Night At The Museum, me and my group planned what to present beforehand, sometimes in text and images (see “Outline for N@TM Presentation” for Trimester 1) or verbally such as in Trimester 2 (we also presented to Mr. Lopez then). The day before the actual presentation, we also all test-ran the code and project on all of our machines, designated one person’s laptop as the presenter and another person’s laptop as a backup, and divided up what to present among each person.

Demo of your Favorite project(s) that apply to interview

  • Demo Tri 2 CPT with Tri 3 ML additions (WRONGJason and WRONGFlaskJason)

Unique qualification that makes you the right person for the task

  • I believe I am the right person for the task because of my consistency and broad experience. Throughout the year, even if I wasn’t the leader or Scrum Master of our group, I’ve helped with leading my group by ensuring everyone knows what they are doing and evenly dividing up roles. In order to do so, I had to be on top of things myself. I’ve always finished my part and ensured that it worked smoothly and was integrated well into our collective project, while also making sure all the other assignments we had in the class was finished as well, whether it be a reflection on a CollegeBoard quiz or write up for a project or a check-in with the teacher. Furthermore, I’ve gained experience in a variety of skills, such as frontend, backend, deployment, styling, and more as my role hopped around throughout the trimesters and blended with the roles of others. This helped me understand the big picture of what we were doing and what needs to be done, which helped me be more efficient with how I was spending my time coding. Overall, I believe these qualities help me be the right person for this task.