# Dictionary for elements and masses (EXPAND)
masses = {
    "H": 1.008,
    "He": 4.0026,
    "Li": 6.94,
    "Be": 9.0122,
    "B": 10.81,
    "C": 12.011,
    "N": 14.007,
    "O": 15.999,
    "F": 18.998,
    "Ne": 20.180,
    "Na": 22.990,
    "Mg": 24.305,
    "Al": 26.982,
    "Si": 28.085,
    "P": 30.974,
    "S": 32.06,
    "Cl": 35.45,
    "Ar": 39.948

# constant definitions
A = 6.022*10**23
h = 6.626*10**-34

# define functions for all actions
def moletogram():
    element = input("Enter the elemental symbol of the element in question")
    moles = int(input("Enter the number of moles of " + element))
    molarmass = masses[element]
    grams = moles * molarmass
    print("The number of grams is " + str(grams))

def gramtomole():
    element = input("Enter the elemental symbol of the element in question")
    grams = int(input("Enter the number of grams of " + element))
    molarmass = masses[element]
    moles = grams / molarmass
    print("The number of moles is " + str(moles))

def moletomolecule():
    moles = int(input("Enter the number of moles in question"))
    molecules = moles * A
    print("The number of molecules is " + str(molecules))

def gramtomolecule():
    element = input("Enter the elemental symbol of the element in question")
    grams = int(input("Enter the number of grams of " + element))
    molarmass = masses[element]
    moles = grams / molarmass
    molecules = moles * A
    print("The number of molecules is " + str(molecules))

def PVnRT():
    solvefor = input("What variable would you like to solve for?")
    R = 0.08206
    if solvefor.lower() == "p" or solvefor.lower() == "pressure":
        # P = nRT/V
        volume = int(input("Enter the volume of the gas in liters"))
        moles = int(input("Enter the moles of the gas"))
        temp = int(input("Enter the temperature of the gas in Kelvin"))
        pressure = moles * R * temp / volume
        print("The pressure is " + str(pressure) + " atm")
    elif solvefor.lower() == "v" or solvefor.lower() == "volume":
        # V = nRT/P
        pressure = int(input("Enter the pressure of the gas in atm"))
        moles = int(input("Enter the moles of the gas"))
        temp = int(input("Enter the temperature of the gas in Kelvin"))
        volume = moles * R * temp / pressure
        print("The volume is " + str(volume) + " liters")
    elif solvefor.lower() == "n" or solvefor.lower() == "moles":
        # n = PV/RT
        pressure = int(input("Enter the pressure of the gas in atm"))
        volume = int(input("Enter the volume of the gas in liters"))
        temp = int(input("Enter the temperature of the gas in Kelvin")) 
        moles = pressure * volume / R / temp
        print("The number of moles is " + str(moles) + " moles")
    elif solvefor.lower() == "t" or solvefor.lower() == "temperature" or solvefor.lower() == "temp":
        # T = PV/nR
        pressure = int(input("Enter the pressure of the gas in atm"))
        volume = int(input("Enter the volume of the gas in liters"))
        moles = int(input("Enter the moles of the gas"))
        temp = pressure * volume / moles / R
        print("The temperature is " + str(temp) + " Kelvin")
        print("You did not enter a valid variable. Please try again!")

def Ehv():
    solvefor = input("What variable would you like to solve for?") 
    if solvefor.lower() == "e" or solvefor.lower() == "energy":
        # E = hv
        frequency = int(input("Enter the frequency in Hz"))
        E = h * frequency
        Ekj = E / 1000
        print("The energy is " + str(E) + " joules, or " + str(Ekj) + " kilojoules")
    elif solvefor.lower() == "v" or solvefor.lower() == "frequency":
        # = v = E / h
        E = int(input("Enter the energy in joules"))
        frequency = E / h
        print("The frequency is " + str(frequency) + " Hz")
        print("You did not enter a valid variable. Please try again!")

# Welcome
print("Hello, welcome to this Chemistry aid and convenience tool.")

# List of actions possible
actions = [
    "1. Convert moles to grams",
    "2. Convert grams to moles",
    "3. Convert moles to molecules",
    "4. Convert grams to molecules.",
    "5. PV=nRT",
    "6. E = hv"

# Get user input of which action to do
while True:
    for i in range(len(actions)):
    action = input("Please input the number of the corresponding action you would like to do or 'q' to exit.")
    if action == "1":
    elif action == "2":
    elif action == "3":
    elif action == "4":
    elif action == "5":
    elif action == "6":
    elif action == "q":
        print("You did not enter a valid option. Please try again!")

# Implement iteration maybe by checking if what they input is a valid input
# OR implement with maybe having a rating thing at the end with multiple numbers and use iteration to check if all numbers
Hello, welcome to this Chemistry aid and convenience tool.
1. Convert moles to grams
2. Convert grams to moles
3. Convert moles to molecules
4. Convert grams to molecules.
5. PV=nRT
6. E = hv

The number of moles is 0.0832570144034635
1. Convert moles to grams
2. Convert grams to moles
3. Convert moles to molecules
4. Convert grams to molecules.
5. PV=nRT
6. E = hv
You did not enter a valid option. Please try again!
1. Convert moles to grams
2. Convert grams to moles
3. Convert moles to molecules
4. Convert grams to molecules.
5. PV=nRT
6. E = hv