%%js // required to allow cell to be JavaScript enabled
console.log("JavaScript/Jupyter Output Introduction");
// Browser Console output; debugging or tracing
console.log("This is an output using console.log()!");
// Set element in HTML above using DOM (Document Object Model)
document.getElementById("output").textContent = "This is an output using console.log()!";
// Jupyter built in magic element for testing and convenience of development
element.textContent = "This is an output using console.log()!"; // element is an output option as part of %%js magic
//alert("Hello, World!");
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
console.log("Variable Definition");
var msg = "This is text defined using var and used in later code to output this text, which increases efficiency!";
// Use msg to output code to Console and Jupyter Notebook
console.log(msg); //right click browser select Inspect, then select Console to view
document.getElementById("output").textContent = msg;
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
console.log("Function Definition");
/* Function: logIt
* Parameter: output
* Description: The parameter is "output" to console and jupyter page
function logIt(msg) {
document.getElementById("output").textContent = msg;
// sequence of code build logIt parameter using concatenation
var msg = "Hello!" // replaces content of variable
var welcome = "Welcome to this JSOutput with Objects Jupyter Notebook!"
logIt(msg + " " + welcome); // concatenation of strings
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
console.log("Examine Data Types");
// Function to add typeof to output
function getType(output) {
return typeof output + ": " + output;
// Function defintion
function logIt(msg) {
console.log(getType(msg)); // logs string
console.info(msg); // logs object
document.getElementById("output").textContent = msg;
element.append(getType(msg) + " "); // adds to Jupyter output
// Common Types
element.append("Common Types ");
logIt("This is some text"); // String
logIt(1776); // Number
logIt(true); // Boolean
// Object Type, this definition is often called a array or list
element.append("Object Type, array ");
var scores = [
// Complex Object, this definition is often called hash, map, hashmap, or dictionary
element.append("Object Type, hash or dictionary ");
var person = { // key:value pairs seperated by comma
"name": "Jason",
"role": "Students"
logIt(JSON.stringify(person)); //method used to convert this object into readable format
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
console.log("Person objects");
/* class: Person
* Description: A collection of Person data
class Person {
/* method: constructor
* parameters: name, ghID - GitHub ID, classOf - Graduation Class
* description: returns object when "new Person()" is called with matching parameters
* assignment: this.name, this.ghID, ... are properties retained in the returned object
* default: role uses a default property, it is set to "Student"
constructor(name, ghID, classOf, role="Student") {
this.name = name;
this.ghID = ghID;
this.classOf = classOf;
this.role = role;
/* method: setter
* parameters: role - role in classroom
* description: this.role is updated from default value to value contained in role parameter
setRole(role) {
this.role = role;
/* method: getter
* description: turns properties of object into JSON object
* return value: JSON object
getJSON() {
const obj = {type: typeof this, name: this.name, ghID: this.ghID, classOf: this.classOf, role: this.role};
const json = JSON.stringify(obj);
return json;
/* method: logIT
* description: this Person object is logged to console
logIt() {
//Person Object
// HTML output
document.getElementById("output").textContent = this.getJSON();
//Log to Jupter
element.append(this.role + " object in JSON: ");
element.append(" ");
// make a new Person Object
const teacher = new Person("Mr M", "jm1021", 1977); // object type is easy to work with in JavaScript
// update role to Teacher
var role = "Teacher";
teacher.setRole(role); // set the role
teacher.logIt(); // log to console
// make a new Person Object
const student = new Person("Jane Doe", "jane", 2007); // object type is easy to work with in JavaScript
student.logIt(); // log to console
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
console.log("Classroom object");
/* class: Person
* Description: A collection of Person data
class Person {
/* method: constructor
* parameters: name, ghID - GitHub ID, classOf - Graduation Class
* description: returns object when "new Person()" is called with matching parameters
* assignment: this.name, this.ghID, ... are properties retained in the returned object
* default: this.role is a default property retained in object, it is set to "Student"
constructor(name, ghID, classOf, role="Student") {
this.name = name;
this.ghID = ghID;
this.classOf = classOf;
this.role = role;
/* method: setter
* parameters: role - role in classroom
* description: this.role is updated from default value to value contained in role parameter
setRole(role) {
this.role = role;
/* method: getter
* description: turns properties of object into JSON object
* return value: JSON object
getJSON() {
const obj = {type: typeof this, name: this.name, ghID: this.ghID, classOf: this.classOf, role: this.role};
const json = JSON.stringify(obj);
return json;
/* method: logIT
* description: this Person object is logged to console
logIt() {
//Person Object
// HTML output tag
document.getElementById("output").textContent = this.getJSON();
//Log to Jupter
element.append("Person json <br>");
element.append(this.getJSON() + "<br>");
/* class: Classroom
* Description: A collection of Person objects
class Classroom {
/* method: constructor
* parameters: teacher - a Person object, students - an array of Person objects
* description: returns object when "new Classroom()" is called containing properties and methods of a Classroom
* assignment: this.classroom, this.teacher, ... are properties retained in the returned object
constructor(teacher, students) {
/* spread: this.classroom contains Teacher object and all Student objects
* map: this.json contains of map of all persons to JSON
this.teacher = teacher;
this.students = students;
this.classroom = [teacher, ...students]; // ... spread option
this.json = '{"classroom":[' + this.classroom.map(person => person.getJSON()) + ']}';
/* method: logIT
* description: this Classroom object is logged to console
logIt() {
//Classroom object
// HTML output
document.getElementById("data").textContent = this.json;
document.getElementById("output").textContent = this.json;
//Classroom json
element.append("Classroom object in JSON: ");
/* function: constructCompSciClassroom
* Description: Create data for Classroom and Person objects
* Returns: A Classroom Object
function constructCompSciClassroom() {
// define a Teacher object
const teacher = new Person("Mr M", "jm1021", 1977, "Teacher"); // optional 4th parameter
// define a student Array of Person objects
const students = [
new Person("Anthony", "tonyhieu", 2022),
new Person("Bria", "B-G101", 2023),
new Person("Allie", "xiaoa0", 2023),
new Person("Tigran", "Tigran7", 2023),
new Person("Rebecca", "Rebecca-123", 2023),
new Person("Vidhi", "VidhiKulkarni", 2024)
// make a CompSci classroom from formerly defined teacher and student objects
return new Classroom(teacher, students); // returns object
// assigns compsci to the object returned by "constructCompSciClassroom()" function
const compsci = constructCompSciClassroom();
// output of Objects and JSON in CompSci classroom
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
console.log("Classroom Web Page");
// extract JSON text from output element in HTML page
const jsonText = document.getElementById("data").innerHTML;
// convert JSON text to a JavaScript Object to process
const classroom = JSON.parse(jsonText).classroom;
// make an HTML Out format for pretty display
/* Template literals (`), can make HTML generation more concise;
* the map functions generates row strings and the join method combines them;
* this replaces longer and ugly for loop and string concatenation.
const htmlOut = `
<th>GitHub ID</th>
<th>Class Of</th>
${classroom.map(row => `
// assign/set htmlOut to output element in HTML page
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = htmlOut;
// show raw HTML
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>