
Talk on CPT and JWT Login Authentication

  • Master Plan:
  • Individually make logins features
  • Incorporate login in feature for CPT Project
  • All should be able to be done in parallel (can start now), implement once previous groups done
    • Dates are staggered
  • Ideation checkpoint on Friday, look over and start ideating
  • Do Student Teaching #2 and Individual Review, prep for it


Talk on CPT Checkpoint #1 and expectations

Completed Student Team Teach Grading

Worked on Individual Review


Finished Individual Review and met with Mr. Lopez to briefly discuss it

  • Recorded median score of 0.98/1 and discussed briefly some extras and blog posts


Worked on plan on Milanote board for Frontend screens


Worked on Milanote board for Frontend screens and helped backend plan their database

Completed checkpoint #1 part A with Mr. Lopez