Summary and Accomplishments


  • Editing this blog took a huge amount of time. Not only did we have to regularly update the blog with hacks, plans, etc., but also essentially had to recreate the whole blog. We had to update the homepage, recustomize headers and links, fix the resulting links that were broken, create our own table, make a new table because the first one was not correct, then type up multiple pages, learn about front matter along the way, and more. Most of what you’ve seen has been through multiple stages of editing and recreating this week. In the end though, a lot was done this week and the blog is set up for success.

Games and Calculator

Python Quiz

  • Here is our Python Quiz!
  • Please see the post in the Hacks column to read more about our experience making this quiz!
  • Also please note that the quiz can run and look much better in Jupyter Notebook than on this blog.