
Update GitHub Database as instructed

Plan group of 4

Quick lecture on Python lists and dictionaries

Worked mostly on Python_Lists (and plan hacks and how to make with Arthur) and a little on JS_Input and JSOutput_with_Objects


Discuss Agile Methodology and 1.1-1.4 Team Test with Arthur and group of 4 (me, Arthur, Matthew, Isabelle)

Quick discussion with Mr. Mortenson about collaboration and 1.1-1.4 Team Test

Watch CollegeBoard Big Idea videos

Briefly work on JSOutput_with_Objects


Finalize group of 4

Lecture on Agile Methodology

  • All teams need a methodology to function
  • Establish culture and be courteous, don’t last minute upload everything, continuously update
  • Collaborate with others
  • Roles: Scrum Master, DevOPS, Front end Dev, Back end Dev
  • Progress Labels: To do/backlog –> In progress –> Code Complete –> Deployed –> Verified
  • Make manifestro, make Agile diagram, team test, hacks

1.1-1.4 Team Test

  • Isabelle is Scrum Master, decided by coin flip
  • All work together on everything, but all have focus: All do collaboration, Me and Arthur focus on Program Function and Purpose, Isabelle and Matthew focus on Program Design and Development, Rayane focus on Identifying and Correcting Issues.


Tech Talk

  • strings are text
  • ”+” concatenates strings
  • substring, dot substring from 0 to 5 (letter assocated with number starting from 0, 0 based counting)
  • numbers
  • lots of math possible
  • array - lists / collections
  • [thing, thing2, thing3, etc.]
  • push adds, shifts remove from front, pop removes from end
  • objects
  • uses {}
  • key and dot notation to use key to get value

Work on Program with Function and Purpose for 1.1-1.4 Team Test


Work on Program with Function and Purpose for 1.1-1.4 Team Test

Manage GitHub and fix push/pull

Work on updating blog

Tech Talk

  • How to debug in VSCode
  • Ideas for hacks by challenging each other