100% Seed


  • Exceptional achievement. 93% or better in last trimester of CompSci.
    • Grade in Trimester 2 is above 93%:
  • Exemplar in Team work. Fosters community of learning beyond individual or single friend.
    • As a team in the begining of CPT project, we worked together to figure out forks in GitHub in order to avoid more merge conflicts. We spent time experimenting with various forks, pull requests, syncs, and more.
    • Here is a screenshot of the TL:DR slack message I sent in our group chat summarizing what we went over:
    • Here are the forks we made of the frontend and backend:

Completion of all 90% items below.

  • See below.

90% Seed

Individual Progress. Individual maintains an at-a-glance. AP preparation progress, Key commits, GitHub Analytics, etc. Student uses their blog to start each individual review. This should be used to support accomplishments.

  • AP preparation progress
    • Preparation for AP exam requirements in blog post “Individual Final”, all AP requirements met and code snippets prepared.
  • Key commits
    • Started working on frontend and got the main display working: 2/13 updates
    • Completed a large portion of the CPT frontend and fixed and polished the entire frontend: 2/24 finished frontend
  • GitHub Analytics
  • Blog
    • See Timebox page, everything is updated with lessons and plans!

GitHub Pages Blog. Student makes quality effort to record histories and solicit utterances/issue comments on AP and Project work.

AP work. All AP work is understood, reviewed, and is determined by Teacher to be your own work. Student should be proactive in demonstrating understanding of CPT requirements and AP quiz elements.

  • Preparation for AP exam requirements in blog post “Individual Final”, all AP requirements met and code snippets prepared.
    • Video and video requirements are also there.

Project work. Student follows team requirements and expectations. They are active in the Scrum work and timelines. They produce code early enough to all Pull request integrations and testing, e.g. two days in advance of Teacher review.

Deployment (not required by I thought I’d mention this)

  • Got backend deployed and have ur own record and IP
  • But did run into issue during finals day of last trimester where we accidentally broke the entire server