Score Grader Verification Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits    
The Internet 0.95/1 Ian Wu Completed popcorn hacks in addition to homework + Asked Mr. Lopez additional questions about OSI layers and TCP handshake Link to with lesson and homework    
Routing and Computing 0.95/1 Sri S Did all questions within lesson in addition to homework + Read quick article on fault tolerance Link to with lesson and homework    
Beneficial and Harmful Effects 0.98/1 (My team presented) Me and My Team I completed my section + Wrote Popcorn Hacks and introduction + Created grading spreadsheet and graded my part and more Link to with lesson and homework + Link to GitHub comment with self-grading + Link to Grading Spreadsheet    
Digital Divide 0.97/1 Aditya R Completed all practice questions in addition to homework + Completed extra credit Link to with lesson and homework    
Computing Bias 0.98/1 Tanvi P Nothing aside from popcorn hacks Link to with lesson and homework    
Crowdsourcing 1/1 Samhita L Completed popcorn hacks in addition to reading an article on Crowdsourcing Link to with lesson and homework    
Legal and Ethical Concerns 1/1 Aditi B Completed popcorn hacks and extra credit in addition to homework Link to with lesson and homework + Key Commit updating this, crowdsourcing, and computing bias lessons    
Safe Computing 1/1 Yeongsu K Completed homework and extra credit Python procedure Link to with lesson and homework    
CB Quiz 63/67 = 0.94/1 = 1.88/2 Mr. Lopez Created blog post for Collegeboard MCQ with corrections, time taken, notes on interesting questions, research into Googled questions, and more + Created blog post for Collegeboard FRQ with all parts answered using Binary Project, noted what was missed, and created preliminary plans for CPT Project to meet requirements Link to blog post reviewing CollegeBoard MC Quiz + Link to blog post reviewing Collegeboard FRQ Quiz and plans for CPT Project + Key Commit creating and working on FRQ blog post + Key Commit completing corrections for MCQ blog post    
Totals Median Score 0.98/1 Number Complete: 9/9 Extra Effort Count: 8/9 Key Tangible Assets Count: 9/9