Review Ticket (This is a guideline of what to show, present everything in Jupyter Notebook or VSCode)


  • Present in Jupyter Notebook
  • Fulfilled the requirement of the wireframe with two divs, a heading, top paragraph, a button, two links, and a bottom paragraph
  • Added my own styling
  • Added passion and project idea of trying to make Dark Souls in terminal

Data Types

  • Present in Jupyter Notebook, show console
  • Added few extra variables (birthdate, age of team members)
  • Showed multiple outputs and logged to console the actions taken, which were: adding to array, removing from array, changing array values, doing math with numbers in array, and logging everything at the end


  • Present in VSCode
  • Built off of HTML and added a little more styling for fun
  • Created the switch button and it works in VSCode


  • Present in Jupyter Notebook, show console
  • Completed requirement of comparing two variables and outputting different message depending on the relative values using conditional statements
  • Added value and meaning to variables to align with potential project idea


  • Completed requirements of fixing all 3 code segments and listing the changes made to fix the code
  • Also completed the extra one and attempted the challenge. I tried to make it work but didn’t get anywhere so I just learned what I could and moved on