How we made the Python Quiz

Thankfully, unlike JS, we knew a bit of Python beforehand and had an idea of how to make a quiz. We checked out the Python IO post and then set out to experiment on our own.

First we made an test.ipynb to see if Jupyter Notebook even worked in the first place, and it did so we renamed it to quiz.ipynb and started coding

We exchanged ideas on our quiz while developing our separate questions. For example, I contributed the idea of the grade calculator and most of the output while my partner aided with various functions both of us ended up using such as the round function and helped with debugging. We closely worked together for most of the project.

After days of coding and testing, we were pretty much done and just had to get it on our blog. This was surprisingly difficult and links simply would not work for reasons we did know, but we finally figued out how to use nbconvert, get the links to work, and used Jupyter Notebook to better display all the code.

You can find our Python Quiz in the tangibles for this week!