
Plan Web Programming Test

  • Idea: Give the user random and borderline useless facts + for our 5 HTML pages, force them to go through 5 different pages before getting to info or at beginning

Work on Web Programming Test

  • HTML stuff


Polished HTML part of Web Programming Test

  • Reviewed with partner

Finished Data Types part of Web Programming Test

  • Reviewed with partner

Tech talk about passion project

  • Make a project to apply skills
  • Mold web programming test to fit passion
  • Find passion
  • People are not all equal and it’s ok for some to do more work than others
  • Find topic, apply skills, make a project
  • Check out Mr. Mortenson’s API projects if needed


Tech Talk AWS

  • Route 53 and EC2 are the two main things to know and use in AWS
  • to bypass stuff, username is ubuntu, password is Ubuntu (one for all and all for one)
  • Test on Docker on local machine first, ensure that it works, then deploy it on AWS so ONLY working code on AWS
  • Dont update it now

Finished DOM at school, and JS and Debugging at home


Get utterances working and start adding comments on teammates and other teams

Fix up some code in the web programming test and make it more creative and passionate

VSCode kept crashing when I opened the .ipynb, so I made a new file and copy pasted code over and it works.


Polish up utterance comments, review ticket, and plan and practice how to present the web programming test.

Did web programming test, earned 3.9/4!

Plan Passion Project, Terminal Souls (Console game similar to Dark Souls)

  • Try to build an area from Dark Souls
  • Use pixel art, HTML, etc. to output scenes
  • Have user move from area to area using cd
  • Have puzzle, start with broken sword, need to cd to find sword
  • One boss fight, turn based
  • Have templates for classes w/ preset values, so when user pick class, just set user stats to that class
  • Backend has most of the data for classes, attacks, etc. + Frontend has output, display, inventory display, HP bar, pixel art, etc.