
Polished final project

Showed N@TM project to Mr. Lopez, he said it was good

Work on interview

  • For LinkedIn profile, make one if you can / it would be appreciated, but not 100% necessary
  • Lopez tips: Focus more on myself and what I did, not what group did + highlight what I did, why I did it, what I found enjoyable, and how I overcame challenges.


Polished final project


N@TM, help team review project


Present final interview

  • Earned 0.95/1
  • Tips:
    • BE PREPARED WITH A QUESTION OR QUESTIONS TO ASK. It shows your interest and care in the job.
    • If talking about someone else, focus on that less and be like oh they were an inspiration to me and I’ve been trying to replicate / follow them by ___.
    • Try to cut down resume to 1 page for an interview, like a link to a LinkedIn could be good


Help friend with interview

Work on other classes