
Do practice written FRQ response


Finish practice written FRQs


Polish written FRQs


Do Collegeboard 2018 Practice Exam MCQ


Do Collegeboard 2018 Practice Exam MCQ: 63/66

  • Q16: If “album was purchased and downloaded through a licensed music store, the user will not be in violation of the DMCA.”
    • DMCA stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act, no unlawful reproduction or distribution
  • Q43: Polynomial (squared, cubed, etc.) run time IS reasonable, exponential (^n) IS NOT reasonable
    • Pay attention to if polynomial/exponential
  • Q58: Not all computational problems can be solved in a reasonable time, some are unsolvable and are called undecidable problems.
  • Symmetric encryption is when the same key is used for encyption and decryption.