
Labor Day, no school


Tech Talk on JS Tables and jquery. Notes:

  • Markdown Table:
  • heading heading 1
  • | —-| —|
  • data data
  • Takes theme of site
  • HTML Table:
  • ”%%html” adds a play button
  • HTML Cell Output from Jupyter
  • static data
  • can add <> to group stuff
  • look at local page and make sure to play and show output and ctrl s and refresh
  • For interaction w/ JS, “head” in <> allows to bring in JS commands
  • give table ID to send to jquery so can identify and format
  • put into markdown cell and no play button
  • allows jupyter notebook
  • show code, describe code, display code
  • ^!!!! try this
  • start w/ requirements and W3

Work on JS Calculator sqrt function

Work on ChatGPT for Review Ticket


Prepare for live showcase

  • Clarify plan and review ticket
  • Organize projects, materials, how to showcase everything, and what to talk about

Polished JS Tables and Python_Hacks

Updated Time Box


Tech Talk

  • jupyter notebook themes
  • style and experimeint with html (w3schools)
  • console.log() outputs to Console, behind-the-scenes JS
  • DOM - Document Object Model, changes content
  • alert box (blocking modal dialogue)
  • var (variable name) = (what variable equal to) to set variable
  • object - collection of data
  • objet can have code in the data in the object
  • put it in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) so can be on page
  • make table much more efficiently w/ setting variable and for loop

Prepare for tech talk

  • Polish projects (JS Calculator, Python_Hacks), practice everything to showcase

Update Time Box


Pair Showcase

Start working on new projects: JS Input and JS Output with Objects