


Breakpoint/Debugging Talk

  • Frontend
    • Open frontend in browser –> inspect –> sources (might need to open file and refresh to see code) –> place a breakpoint in the fetch code for a request by clicking on the line number –> run the request on the frontend –> breakpoint should stop the program
    • Go through errors / code step by step to see how things are running and being defined
  • Backend
    • Place breakpoint in backend VSCode in the api code for where functions/reqeusts are defined (hover over the line number and then click the red circle next to it) –> go to file and run “Python Debugger: Debug Python File” (click the dropdown next to the arrow/play button) ON MAIN.PY –> go to frontend and send the request (where the breakpoint is) to backend –> VSCode will highlight and stop the program
    • Go step by step, see what is being defined as what in the top left, etc.



  • Went over ML and Titanic dataset
  • Played around and learned/broke down the code behind the TItanic survivability calculator


Polish debugging procedures

Finish blog post for seed



Debugging review, completed frontend and backend debugging with nothing wrong and everything works as intended

  • Earned 1.87/2

Individual review for seed, everything went well but I had a little too much info

  • Earned 3/3

Helped team and others with debugging and individual review