
Spot check

  • Database with database change
    • Schema change, work with columns not rows
    • Developer do in backend and code in frontend to access, not frontend can modify it
    • To activate, delete current database and run again
  • Postman with /authentication screen
    • Authenticate through postman and have authentication screen, includes authentication through website
  • Postman with /api screen to access data under authentication
    • Be able to read and display user database on website
  • Jupyter notebook or web page that shows signup and login
    • Aim for webpage, no jupyter is ok + show you can sign up a user and login
  • Jupyter notebook or web page that shows redirect of 403 to signup and login page
    • 403 is unauthorized, no permissions + make html for 403 to show
  • Jupyter notebook that shows CRUD operation on page that requires authentication
    • Create, read, update and delete + @token_required

Work on spot check and individual JWT


Worked on spot check and individual JWT


CPT Spot check, didn’t get to go so spent time polishing it up


Student teach; SASS / Javascript Login and Signup Page

  • SASS has nesting, variables, etc.
  • Frontend can give error status code like 403
  • Response code - Send request to backend, can get different response codes depending on what happens, 200 is success –> 403 is no authentication, 404 is page doesn’t exist
  • Common HTML stuff includes input fields (can set type to password), containers to group elements, and common properties include buttons, placeholders, class
  • Hack 1: SASS is extension of CSS
  • Hack 2: Lower one has SASS, top has no SASS
  • Hack 3: If get 403, means no authentication and should try logging in or getting cookie
  • 401 is never authenticated whatever, 403 is user but try to access smth only admins can access
  • To create database
    • Get user info, make frontend, make backend handling, make api
  • GET method to get authentication before showing page and add error handling

When making new column, delete all backups and copies of database then run and make sure table view is set to users or whatever you’re trying to look at

Did CPT Spot check, got 0.92 for first point and 0.91 for second and third point

  • Since >0.9 for all three, counts as 2/2


Continue working on individual JWT