
Work on API and data model, update with Matthew’s CORS and remove inventory (implement and fix later)

Update frontend repository

Test GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and all works so qualify tomorrow


Did Qualification Test / Final Project - Team, we qualified :DDD. While we did qualify, there are a few refinements that need to be made and we should plan our presentation better to showcase our requests and have the leaderboard update live on another computer.


No school


Dress rehearsal for Night at the Museum, here are the comments we recieved from other groups!

  • First half we presented to the grading half of the class
  • Second half we swapped roles and graded the other half of the class

Review N@TM plan and practice for presenting

Look over Individual Final


Completed Individual Final, talked for like 20-30 minutes by accident but it worked out in the end and I got 9.6/10 which I am very happy about

  • Next trimester try to branch out a bit more and maybe dive into more Javascript by trying out frontend instead of backend
  • Ask more questions and get more feedback